The Resume Clinic 100% Guarantee

guaranteeIf you are unable to secure a job interview within 60 days following the receipt of your Resume Clinic resume and you believe the quality of your current resume to be the reason, your resume will be re-written up to two times free of charge.*

As a valued client, you should expect and accept nothing less than a resume service willing to stand behind their product. With so much on the line, you deserve a professional resume service willing to see you through to the interview. At The Resume Clinic, client satisfaction is our top priority. The “bottom line” is performance … and at The Resume Clinic, we are confident in our ability to get you that interview.

“Standing Behind Quality …”

*Guarantee Details: Rewrites are performed after 30 days and between 180 days following the completion and receipt of resume. For the purpose of this guarantee, an “interview” is defined as contact from an employer, recruiter, hiring agent or company for the purpose of requesting additional candidate information and resulting from the forwarding of your resume. This contact includes, but is not limited to, email, postal mail, telephone, and personal correspondence or interaction. This guarantee includes up to a maximum of two separate sessions of re-writes. This guarantee does not apply to provided services that do not include resume composition and only applies to resume services.
