
25 01, 2021

Gap Year: Is It Worth It?

2024-09-23T12:45:57-05:00Career Management Help|

For some, a gap year can increase focus and provide perspective that propels them to success. "What do you mean, you are taking a gap year?", said every parent presented with this situation. Once a high school student graduates, they should go straight to college, right? I mean, that is the long-established expectation, isn't it? [...]

4 01, 2021

Resume 101: Framing the Message

2024-09-23T12:45:57-05:00Resume Writing Help|

Providing High-quality Resume Services To Job Seekers Since 1995 If there is one thing we have learned watching our political leaders, it is that framing the message to establish a narrative is an effective tool. If you wanted to give it an official definition, the Harvard Business Review defines framing as “the essence of targeting [...]

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