
22 09, 2017

Building a LinkedIn Profile that Gets Attention-Part 3

2024-10-28T10:28:28-05:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation|

Hopefully, you have read through the first two installments LinkedIn profile improvement and optimization recommendations. Now, let's wrap it up in a nice bow so that you can put it over the top. LinkedIn Profile: Unique Presentation for Optimal Effect If there is one overall weakness to the LinkedIn platform, it is the lack of built-in formatting [...]

7 09, 2017

Job Search: Is Your Social Media Activity Keeping You Unemployed

2024-09-23T12:45:56-05:00Job Search Preparation|

Its dangerous when one's technology grows faster than he ability to responsibly manage it responsibly. No, I am not talking about nuclear warheads or automatic weapons. I am talking about the almost instantaneous proliferation of social media into our mainstream existence, and how it affects your job search and can be keeping you unemployed. Don't [...]

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