
22 09, 2017

Building a LinkedIn Profile that Gets Attention-Part 3

2024-10-28T10:28:28-05:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation|

Hopefully, you have read through the first two installments LinkedIn profile improvement and optimization recommendations. Now, let's wrap it up in a nice bow so that you can put it over the top. LinkedIn Profile: Unique Presentation for Optimal Effect If there is one overall weakness to the LinkedIn platform, it is the lack of built-in formatting [...]

7 09, 2017

Job Search: Is Your Social Media Activity Keeping You Unemployed

2024-09-23T12:45:56-05:00Job Search Preparation|

Its dangerous when one's technology grows faster than he ability to responsibly manage it responsibly. No, I am not talking about nuclear warheads or automatic weapons. I am talking about the almost instantaneous proliferation of social media into our mainstream existence, and how it affects your job search and can be keeping you unemployed. Don't [...]

19 01, 2017

Professional Resume: Expense or Investment?

2024-09-23T12:45:56-05:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation, Resume Writing Help|

As professional resume writers, we can always tell which of our clients is most serious about their career trajectory. The answer usually lies in the first question that they ask when calling. Usually, if the first question that come out in an initial inquiry involves the price, this is a sign that they may not [...]

18 11, 2016

Building a LinkedIn Profile that Gets Attention-Part 2

2024-09-23T12:45:56-05:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation, Resume Writing Help|

Make no mistake, the value of building a LinkedIn profile of quality is only going to get more important as we get deeper into the 21st century. If you haven’t at least opened a basic LinkedIn account, then you should do so as soon as possible. In our first installment of “Building a LinkedIn Profile [...]

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