
11 04, 2016

Why Recruiters Prefer Your Resume Be Written By a Professional

2021-09-23T21:20:47-05:00Career Management Help, Job Search Preparation|

Your resume is a marketing and branding document first and foremost. Never let anyone tell you different. As such, it's effectiveness and truthfulness is more important than its author. Many job seekers ponder whether or not it is frowned upon to have a professional to prepare their resume. Some feel the organization and phrasing of [...]

26 03, 2016

Federal Resume Writing: Believe It or Not, Bulk Works


Traditional resume strategy involves keeping the content brief and to the point, with minimal emphasis on the day-to-day. And this is correct for private sector resume writing. Hiring managers and recruiters don’t have the time or patience to read through and process low-value information. But federal resume writing requires an adjustment of thinking and content [...]

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