
27 02, 2016

Looking for Employment: Get To The Decision Makers

2024-04-23T11:17:56-05:00Career Management Help, Interviewing Help, Job Search Preparation|

“Don’t wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it!” - Steve Southerland Your resume writer has prepared for you a strong document that should optimize your chances for an interview. So you begin looking for employment by scouring the online job boards and company websites, where you begin applying for positions. But [...]

21 02, 2016

Resume Writer Advice: Handling Short-Term Employment

2024-09-23T12:45:53-05:00Career Management Help, Resume Writing Help|

When To Include or Not Include Short Term Employment Entries In The Resume A resume that is going to achieve maximum effectiveness does not follow a formula. Every applicant has a different mix of skills and qualifications, so their resumes should be adjusted accordingly. But even for any one individual, every situation will be different. [...]

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