
10 01, 2024

Freelance to Full-time: Re-brand Yourself for Career Transition, Pt. 1

2024-09-23T12:46:06-05:00Career Management Help|

It’s time. You’ve weighed the pros and cons and you’re finally considering a transition from freelance to full-time employment. If you are heading back to the office or staying remote, you’re at a crucial pivot point. So where do you start? And how do you strategically showcase your achievements, re-brand your professional identity, and negotiate [...]

15 12, 2023

Redefine Success for a More Well-Rounded Life

2023-12-26T11:32:51-06:00Career Management Help, Work-Life Balance|

Success. We're surrounded by tales of triumph, narratives of those who've scaled the summit of success, conquering industries and amassing fortunes. We're enticed by these stories, craving a peek into the playbook of the prosperous. But amidst this allure lies a question that often evades the spotlight: Should we redefine success for a more well-rounded [...]

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